Thursday, October 8, 2009

Day 3


Still have heard nothing from SAAS about my student loan. I'm 3 weeks back into my course already and have like no money. It costs me nearly £15 a day just to get here. Which makes me hate Uni all the more. Also have rent due like last week which I can't pay yet.

Just had a meeting with my dissertation supervisor. My research proposal is a piece of shit and I can't do want I planned on doing my dissertation on because of a lack of findings in my literature review. I can't find anything to relate to my area of study. My other two modules are shit too. I just can't be bothered doing this anymore. If I had passed everything last year I'd have not come back. But because I failed one module I need to be here or not get any sort of qualification out of it.

Uni sucks. And I'm stuck here.


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Day 2

Changed the blog name.

Up early this morning. Saw the sunrise which makes that task half done. Wasn't a spectacular view as I was on the bus at the time and hills were in the way for some time. But I finally saw it (the sun) poke up over the hills and blind me. That thing is bright.

Long day at Uni today. Eurgh. Also going for the "Do 20 different things" task today. Made a start already.

Err... Currently in the library waiting for my lecture that starts in 10 minutes. Listening to The Conchords. <3

I'm The BOOM King!!

Still got limited internet access at home. Ah well

L8r Sk8r

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Day One

I got up early today but didn't sleep on the bus, for fear of someone stealing my shoes. It's a common fear I often have. Not that they're good shoes. Far from it. Just that they'd be easy to slide off my feet without me waking.

I had a 3 hour lecture-seminar that I sort of paid attention to. For the first 10 minutes anyway. By the end I was pretty much sleeping with my eyes still (sort of) open.

No internet at home at the moment - well there's wireless I can leech from next door but my laptop won't work because I need a new power adapter thingy for it. Waiting for my student loans monies to hurry up and get paid. This means I won't waste my evening on the internets. I'll just waste it watching rubbish TV and sleeping.

Need to get a bus in the minute.

L8r Sk8r